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I am speaking: ISC EAST 2023

Nov 15th: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the Pace of Change -- You Are Probably Way Behind Already!

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the Pace of Change -- You Are Probably Way Behind Already!

Wednesday, Nov 15th; NYC

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the Pace of Change -- You Are Probably Way Behind Already!  The security industry -- and the clients and institutions that it serves -- is facing challenges and threats that have little to do with security.  Rather, the threats are common with many other industries:  

1.   Your competition may have less actual experience than you, but they are accessing resources that you are not aware of and do not know how to gather, understand, and deploy.  

2.   Your client base is often less educated about what you do than ever before, and will invest their dollars in ideas and companies that they perceive to be capable, tech savvy, and able to respond quickest to the things they value.   

3.  The more you fall behind in accessing the available data and technological tools available, the faster your competition will take business away and the bleaker your future will be.

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