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Premise Liability Observations and Vulnerabilities Uncovered - Ahrens Security


Parking garages and lots represent the third-highest area for victimization across the United States.


The removal of staff that serves as a deterrent for the financial savings to a park on-foot system exasperates the problem. Sometimes parking garages that fall into disrepair have non-functional systems such as an emergency call box or call for assistance systems, which are not operational.

Premise Liability Observations and Vulnerabilities Uncovered - Ahrens Security


I have analyzed, assessed, and delivered security systems designs for multiple parking garages that span the world.

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Services such as

  • Benchmarking

  • Outsourcing

  • Training

  • Security, threat, and vulnerability assessments

  • Technical analysis

  • Workplace violence assessments

  • Control center design

  • Comprehensive security and telecommunications systems design

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