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Expert Witness Security Consulting in Chicago


I have conducted several programmatic assessments and architectural design peer reviews.


These reviews are intended to build security into architecture for a myriad of conventional and non-traditional threats – blast/ballistics. 

Expert Witness Security Consulting in Chicago


Architectural security is the oldest type of security and represents one of the few passive barriers to an aggressor.


I have previously advised on compartmentalization, interfaces with life-safety code, shelter in place and elevator/stairwell, lightning locking, keying, door security, glazing, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), pedestrian/vehicle screening, queuing/access, routing, and way-finding/signage programs.


I am familiar with a wide variety of controls, and current vulnerabilities and controls for new technologies such as LED lighting, requirements for landscaping and other hardening approaches. 

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If so, please direct your browser to my employer's website to learn more about thought leadership and the value that I can provide during the day.


Services such as

  • Benchmarking

  • Outsourcing

  • Training

  • Security, threat, and vulnerability assessments

  • Technical analysis

  • Workplace violence assessments

  • Control center design

  • Comprehensive security and telecommunications systems design

Expert Witness Security Consulting in Chicago
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